Four Dudes Named Paul O’Sullivan Formed a Band… All by Chance

It all started with a guy from Baltimore, Maryland. With the power of social media at his fingertips, he formed a band of talented musicians. It began with a dude named Paul O’Sullivan, and then another guy with the same name showed up, and then another, and another. That’s right: the band consists of four men named Paul O’Sullivan. What are the chances, right?

The Paul O’Sullivan Band

The Paul O’Sullivan Band, featuring Manchester Paul (top left), Rotterdam Paul (top right), Baltimore Paul (bottom left), and Pennsylvania Paul (bottom right). Source:

And to make it even more unique, the four of them are from separate cities in three continents. All four Paul O’Sullivans conceptualize, compose, and record their individual parts for the master recordings, and even managed to make a music video for YouTube!

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